Francotte repeating pistol
Sold in auction (March 2014) for $10,350.00
SN NSN. Caliber 7.65mm. Unique Francotte manual
repeating pistol prototype with a ribbed 5 bbl having a drift adjustable front and
rear sight. Belgian Leige proof markings are on the right side of the bbl. This all-metal
pistol is loaded by depressing a button on the lower portion of the left grip, allowing it
to slide down the frame, locking in place, to expose the loading area. Gentle pressure for
repositioning. The small serrated lever behind the rear sight is a safety; rotating it to
the left blocks the trigger bar. Clearly a toolroom experimental prototype, rife with tool
marks and hand filing. PROVENANCE: Collection of Dr. Geoffrey Sturgess, ex Visser
Collection. CONDITION: At least 90% original blue with fine freckling on the barrel and
minor thinning where handled. Comparable condition fire blue front and rear sight. Heat
tempered colors on the flat metal grips are commensurately faded. Strong trigger bar
spring though sear engagement is somewhat erratic, likely due to gummed internals. Dark
bore with shallow rifling and considerable corrosion. An extremely rare Francotte pistol
prototype, the only one known to this cataloger.