Books on World War II (Q-Z)
Books on World
War II for children
Books on World
War II (A-F)
Books on World War II
Books on World War
II (G-P)
- The Sledge
Patrol: A WWII Epic of Escape, Survival, and Victory by David Howarth
- Sledgehammers
for Tintacks: Bomber Command Combats the V-1 Menace, 1943-1944 by Steve Darlow
- Slingshot
Warbirds: World War II U.S. Navy Scout Observation Airmen by William Neufeld
- Small Arms of
World War II by Chris Chant
- Smashing the
Atlantic Wall: The Destruction of Hitler's Coastal Fortresses by Patrick Delaforce
- SOE Syllabus:
Lessons in Ungentlemanly Warfare, World War II by Denis Rigden
- Soldat:
Reflections of a German Soldier, 1936-1949 by Siegfried Knappe
- A Soldier's
Journal: With the 22nd Infantry Regiment in World War II by David Rothbart
- A Soldier's
Story by Omar Nelson Bradley
- Soldiers,
Airmen, Spies, and Whisperers: The Gold Coast in World War II by Nancy Ellen
- Soldiers As
Citizens: Former Wehrmacht Officers in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1955
by Jay Lockenour
- The Solomons
Campaigns, 1942-1943: From Guadalcanal to Bougainville--Pacific War Turning Point
by William L. McGee
- Somerset
Monasteries by Robert Dunning
- The Souvenir:
A Daughter Discovers Her Father's War by Louise Steinman
- The Soviet
General Staff at War: 1941-1945 by S. M. Shtemenko
- Soviet
Operational and Tactical Combat in Manchuria, 1945: August Storm by David M.
- The Soviet
Strategic Offensive in Manchuria, 1945: August Storm by David M. Glantz
- The Soviet
Union and the Outbreak of War, 1939-1941 [hardcover] by Gabriel Gorodetsky
- The Soviet
Union and the Outbreak of War, 1939-1941 [paperback] by Gabriel Gorodetsky
- Spearheading
D-Day: American Special Units of the Normandy Invasion by Jonathan Gawne
- Spitfire
Leader: The Story of WG Cdr. Evan Rosie MacKie, DSO, DFC and BAR, DFC (US), Top Scoring
WWII RNZAF Fighter Ace by Max Avery
- Spitfire Marks
I to IV (Combat Legends) by Peter Caygill
- Spitfire
Offensive: A Fighter Pilot's War Memoir by Ralph W. F. Sampson
- Spitfire V
Manual by Royal Air Ministry
- The Spy Who
Spent the War In Bed: And Other Bizarre Tales From World War II by William B.
- SS-Das Reich:
History of the Second SS Division 1941-45 by Gregory L. Mattson
- SS: Hell on
the Western Front by Michael Williams
- SS-Hitlerjugend:
The History of the 12th SS Division 1943 - 1945 by Michael Jones
- The SS:
Hitler's Instrument of Terror [hardcover] by Gordon Williamson
- The SS:
Hitler's Instrument of Terror [paperback] by Gordon Williamson
- SS
Intelligence: The Nazi Secret Service by Edmund L. Blanford
- SS-Leibstandarte:
The History of the First SS Division 1933-45 by Rupert Butler
- SS
Panzergrenadier: A True Story of World War II by Hans Schmidt
- SS: Steel
Rain: Waffen-SS Panzer Battles in the West 1944-45 by Tim Ripley
- SS Wiking: The
History of the 5th SS Division 1941-1945 by Rupert Butler
- St Nazaire
1942: The Great Commando Raid by Ken Ford
- Stalag
Wisconsin: Inside WWII Prisoner of War Camps by Betty Cowley
- Stalin and the
Inevitable War: 1936-1941 by Silvio Pons
- Stalin: The
First In-Depth Biography Based on Explosive New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives
by Edvard Radzinskii
- Stalingrad:
The Fateful Siege, 1942-1943 by Antony Beevor
- Stalinism: The
Essential Readings by David L. Hoffmann
- Stalin's Holy
War: Religion, Nationalism, and Alliance Politics, 1941-1945 by Steven Merritt
- Stalin's Other
War: Soviet Grand Strategy, 1939-1941 by Albert L. Weeks
- Stalin's War
of Extermination 1941-1945: Planning, Realization and Documentation by Joachim
- Stalin's War:
Tragedy and Triumph, 1941-1945 by Edwin Palmer Hoyt
- Stapme: The
Biography of Squadron Leader Basil Gerald Stapleton DFC, DFC/Dutch by David Ross
- Steel Inferno:
1st SS Panzer Corps in Normandy by Michael Reynolds
- Stopped at
Stalingrad: The Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in the East, 1942-1943 by Joel S. A.
- Storm from the
Sea by Peter Young
- Storming
Eagles: German Airborne Forces in World War II by James Lucas
- Storming St
Nazaire: The Gripping Story of the Dock-Busting Raid March, 1942 by James G.
- A Story of
America First: The Men and Women Who Opposed U.S. Intervention in World War II by
Ruth Sarles
- The Story of
World War II [hardcover] by Donald L. Miller
- The Story of
World War II [paperback] by Donald L. Miller
- The Strange
Death of Heinrich Himmler: A Forensic Investigation by Hugh Thomas
- A Tour of the
Battle of the Bulge Battlefields by William C. C. Cavanagh
- Trapped at
Pearl Harbor: Escape from Battleship Oklahoma by Stephen Bower Young
- A Traveler's
Guide to D-Day and the Battle for Normandy by Carl Shilleto
- Triumph and
Tragedy (The Second World War) by Winston S. Churchill
- The True
'Intrepid': Sir William Stephenson and the Unknown Agents by Bill J. Macdonald
- Tuxedo Park:
The Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II [hardcover]
by Jennet Richards Conant
- Tuxedo Park:
The Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II [paperback]
by Jennet Richards Conant
- 12 SS Panzer
Division Massacre, ASCQ: Cite Martyr by J. M. Mocq
- 21st Century
Military History Military Battle Maps, Produced by the U.S. Military Academy: American
Revolution, Civil War, World War I and II, ... by Department of Defense
- The 25 Best
World War II Sites, Pacific Theater: The Ultimate Traveler's Guide to the Battlefields,
Monuments and Museums by Chuck Thompson
- Twenty-Five
Yards of War: The Extraordinary Courage of Ordinary Men in World War II [hardcover]
by Ronald J. Drez
- Twenty-Five
Yards of War: The Extraordinary Courage of Ordinary Men in World War II [paperback]
by Ronald J. Drez
- 21 Panzer
Division: Normandy, Tarnopol, Arnhem by Jean-Claude Perrigault
- 200,000 Boys
on a Rock Called Guam by Kennith Culbreth
- The Two-Ocean
War: A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War by Samuel
Eliot Morison
- Two Sides of
the Beach: The Invasion and Defense of Europe in 1944 by Edmund L. Blandford
- Two Survived
by Guy Pearce Jones
- U-Boat Emblems
of World War II by Georg Hogel
- U-Boat
Warfare: The Evolution of U-Boat Wolf Packs by Jak P. Mallman-Showell
- The U-Boat
Wars by Edwin P. Hoyt
- Ugly
Ducklings: Japan's Liberty Ship Equivalents of World War II by S. C. Heal
- An
Un-Anticipated Adventure by Gene Engel
World War II -- Children /K-12 Level

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